
Hello all, welcome to my online poker blog.

I've been playing on and off for a decade after being introduced by a friend.

I played regularly for a few years during the poker boom and had a decent record at the micros, particularly Rush and Zoom No Limit Hold'em games (here's one of my graphs).

Around 2012 I began a new career which involved immersing myself completely in study in my spare time, so I had little to no time for poker. However recently this burden has eased and so I have been gradually dipping back in.

I'm an amateur player who still hopes to some day beat the rake.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Learning New Things

Hi, well after a disappointing session I always like to self improve and I studied a couple of videos on www.cardrunners.com and spent some time with the poker EV tool pokerazor and I have some new insight into a number of things especially regarding betting frequencies and sizing in relation to flop texture. I feel this new knowledge will help me a lot for the rest of my poker playing days. I can't really give too much away - sign up to cardrunners and watch the Matthew Janda series on optimal bet sizing - but I'm now aware of tons of things that I didn't know before and also understand overbetting much better than I did. Another thing that I've realised is that when studying betting lines it's very valuable to look at indifference. This is where villain is indifferent between calling and folding and is the point where we maximise our EV versus an optimally playing opponent. I'd read about this before but just now I ran a few simulations and I actually found some pretty cool points where villain becomes indifferent between calling and folding. Anyway this may not make much sense, if not then I'd highly recommend watching the series to anyone with an interest in game theory and optimal play. In real life of course villains do not play optimally so we should be playing exploitatively. I do however think that having a basic strategy that is fairly optimal should be fundamental for any player. After all, we can't exploit until we've spotted villain's leaks.
Cashout Tournaments
Full Tilt run these tournaments where we can cash out some of our chip EV part of the way through a tournament. I haven't played enough of these yet to know how many players do cash chips out but I think I'm correct in assuming that every time someone does they are just throwing dead money at the prize pool. In this case I'm pretty sure that playing these tournaments could be ridiculously profitable if we never use the cashout option. I'll let you know! GL

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